The centrality of ongoing formation has been clear from the beginning. The key role of any parish is to be a school of prayer with the Eucharist at its heart. Both our Sacramental Prepara- tion Programs and our Initiation Programs revolve around leading individuals into the ongoing for- mation. Our faith is a living faith which needs to continually grow in the life of the Church. At the heart of the Church, the divine liturgy is forma- tive and leads us eternally into the life of Christ. In this coming year, we hope to renew our liturgical ministries by supporting those who offer these formative ministries.
Transparent Governance
An anchor to pastoral work has been the renewal of transparent governance. Our first priority was to limit the number of direct re- ports for any member of the Lead- ership Team so that they could better support those in ministry. The second anchor to govern- ance was the reestablishment of the Finance and Pastoral Committees.
Reaching Out
Our love of God is to be echoed by our love of neighbor and it is evident that there has been much fruit in this area in all of our parish- es over the years. The Catholic Women’s League and the Knights of Columbus are at their roots service groups reaching out in ministry. The Apostolic Com- mittee, Out Reach Ministry, Be- reavement Ministry, VBS, Youth Ministry, Hope Ministry, and Festi- val Board are all groups who help us reach out beyond ourselves. A new leading anchor for our family of parishes for the coming years is recognizing, discerning and mandating the various ministries that reach out to others in our par- ish, community, and world.
Current Plan 2023-2024
What Have we been doing? Empty heading
Goal I - Personal Holiness
Identify small groups within the family
Meet with school leaders and engage them on how best to reach teachers and parents.
Meet with High School student leaders and ask them what their needs are and those of their peers.
Research married couples group initiatives and develop a plan. Teams of Our Lady
Plan for a Family of Parishes Retreat
Goal II - Proclamation of the Gospel
Form RCIA Team
Form Community Development Committee
Apostolic to become International Development
Plan and communicate the 2024-2025 year initiatives and programs, RCIA, RCIC, ACC, Alpha, and small group faith sessions.
Formulate a Faith Itinerary for people to Know, Grow and Share faith - Pastoring
Bring back together the IDFT to share the plan and ask for their leadership to discern leading the initiatives planned going forward.
Add Pastoral plan to the website
Goal III - Justice and Compassion
Engage Apostolic Committee, D&P and Previous SVDP
Continue to communicate and support The Gift of Life- Catholic Response to MAiD. Engage with the Bereavement Committee to assist in the discernment of the next steps.
Increase involvement in the Poverty Coalition to ensure communication and support.
Discern how to develop an Outreach Program, by first appointing a lead.
Goal IV - Meaningful Liturgy
Renew Eucharistic Ministers at SA
Form Liturgy Committee
Connect with school leadership to ask them to share ideas on how best to connect with teachers and parents. Seeking to understand their struggles and build a plan to connect with teachers and parents.
Invite young people to be Altar Servers.
Regular Liturgy Planning Meetings
Volunteer Management Transition
Goal V - Ministry & Formation
Maximize technology software to track parishioners’ gifts and talents.
Develop a welcoming package to clearly state who we are, what and how we do it.
Develop a communication strategy
Create Newsletter
Develop Org Chart
Goal VI - Governance
Form Pastoral Council
Clearly document all committees, groups and structures supporting parishes.
Set up a meeting of all committees, groups, and ministries to recognize their commitment, nourish them and engage them.
Hire a Pastoral Minister.
Develop an organizational chart to ensure clarity of roles for admin and pastoral teams.
Develop a team development session to set clear expectations, using Working Genius.
Engage Holy Angels’ parishioners to provide accurate information on the state of the church.