On November 13, 2024, the HOPE Ministry was approved and launched.
As we grow and establish this new parish-wide Ministry we ask for your patience, prayers and support.
Our Purpose: To support our parishioners across the family of parishes by providing linkages with community resources, internal linkages to spiritual development opportunities, emotional support to reduce loneliness and materiel support, such as food, household items and where possible financial support to deal with dire financial needs which cannot be obtained elsewhere in a timely manner.
We know that the needs are great within our community and there are many wonderful community resources available, for example, the Food Bank, Grace Café, the INN, Community Outreach meals and we also know that immediate needs can exist. Our intention is not to replace the community resources available; we will try to augment resources; help access them and not replace them. But sometimes immediate needs occur, and we wanted to have a process in place to quickly react.
If you are needing assistance, please call our main office at (519) 631-3640
Our Terms of Reference are attached, and you might wonder if that sounds a lot like The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, you would be correct however we are not ready to launch it to a broader audience. We believe we need to grow our catholic community first. Focus on bringing them closer to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Create an opportunity for more to get involved in the HOPE Ministry.
Our first initial work will be connecting and growing our relationships with our parishioners, so we can know them by name and with our Catholic school communities, many of which do not attend Mass. As Catholics, we do believe the Eucharist is the source and summit of our belief and want more people to come and be nourished.
We are called to love, and our HOPE Ministry is attempting to put that into action.
Mark 12:28-31
The Greatest Commandment: Then one of the scribes who had listened to these discussions, and who had observed how well Jesus answered them, asked Jesus, “Which is the first of all the commandments?”
Jesus answered, “The first is: ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Love thy Neighbour is an expectation but how do we put that into action?
HOPE Ministry will start by attempting to address the immediate needs of those most vulnerable within our parish community.
Our desire to serve our catholic community first does not preclude those in need who reach out to our office. We will try our best to assist.
Our Future long-term goal will be to be with the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, we expect it will take us a few years to get there.
Our current HOPE Ministry team:
Bob Bray (OLOS) as Co-Chair
Mary Wolfs (HA) as Secretary
Colleen DeVos (OLOS)
Margy and Gerry Kupferschmidt (SA)
Pat Nolan (SA)
Fr. Peter Keller
Fr. John Johnson
Fr. Robert Weaver
We are also looking for HOPE Ministry Apostles.
This group are people would welcome the opportunity to help at the various events. Keep up to date on activities that the HOPE Ministry is involved with. Share comments and help but not come to meetings.
This is a very important group that would be called on to assist.