Our Apostolic committee has many organizations that we support through your generosity. We would like to highlight them here. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and of course any donations would be greatly appreciated. We try to support worthy causes where someone in our parish has a personal connection. It is one way of assuring that all the money goes directly to the needy.
Development and Peace is the official development arm of the Catholic Church in Canada. The Apostolic committee donates to Development and Peace when there is a disaster in the world that requires immediate aid and they are there helping out. Things like floods, earthquakes ,famine to name a few. They have a Share Lent fund raising campaign every year. We as a group encourage parishioners to support this organisation especially during Lent. Below is a news letter regarding their 2021 Lenten campaign.
St Anne’s Apostolic Committee, through parishioner donations and activities, provides aid in a tangible way to the poor in the developing world and our local community. Our motto is “Whatever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters you did it to me.”
Haiti in My Heart started ten years ago by Louise Elliot a former parishioner. Today Haiti in my heart provide education for 300 students from preschool to grade 10. The students are ovided with all the materials and a uniform. Along with the education they supply a lunch program. For many students this is may be the only meal they receive as the family does not have the means to feed them. Our committee has been supporting Marlie Ducenat a student along with the lunch program since 2017.
With your support we are able to send money to Solomon Klein orphanage in Cochabamba Bolivia every year. This orphanage has over 150 children between the ages of new born to 6 years old, after which time they go to another orphanage and start school. The Bolivian government’s support works out to less than $1.00/ day per child That is supposed to cover everything, even medical. {medical is not free in Bolivia} plus they are always behind on their payments.
The orphanage has children dropped at their doorstep in a blanket or basket on a regular basis. Through your support the money we send goes to help buy formula and medicine. The orphanage is run by Emma { she is wearing the plaid shirt in one of the pictures] and she is so grateful for your support as the orphanage has been her life’s work. In that picture the children were celebrating carnival that day. Carnival is a big religious holiday celebrated before the start of Lent in Bolivia. The other pictures show some of the children at lunch, the baby formula we provide and one of the nurseries.
More Photos Here https://elginrcparishes.ca/photoalbums/solomon-klein-orphanage